The Pitlick Family Hockey Journey (Part 1) EP106

We're going to be doing something for the first time on the Hockey Journey Podcast, and that's having my wife, who was an elite international gymnast, on the show, as well as both of my boys Rem (NHL MTL) and Rhett (D1 MN Gophers).  

How the idea began for this segment was when Rem and his soon-to-be wife Kayla were cleaning out his childhood bedroom.  They were recently engaged, congrats you two!! They were both flooded with emotions, as Rem's entire life was on the walls, in the draws and tucked away in storage bins under the bed.  That's when he suggested that we get the whole family on the podcast and talk about our hockey travels thus far.

We have absolutely no idea how this is going to play out, but what I can promise you is that this is our story, it's been a journey for all of us to this point in time, it'll be authentic and from the heart.  Our hope is that you might be able to grab on to one word, one concept, habit, or experience and add it to your own unique experience, and hopefully, the road you'll be traveling will now be with a bit more wisdom and knowledge so you can make the most informed decisions or choices.

With that being said, if this is your first time listening to the Hockey Journey Podcast, below I've provided a few links if you'd like to learn more about Team Pitlick.  With that being said, Thanks for stopping by, we hope you enjoyed this episode and have a wonderfully productive day!!

Lisa Wittwer Pitlick International Gymnast⁠

Rem Pitlick⁠
Rhett Pitlick⁠

For more information regarding Coach Lance Pitlick

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In-person lessons with Coach Lance⁠