Hockey Mom's - Happy Mother's Day, Here's to YOU! EP99

Today's a special day, where we get to recognize a group of individuals who take on one of the most noble purposes, and that purpose is Motherhood. When the decision is made to take this hero's journey, it's an all-in proposition, meaning when it begins, there's no turning back. This committed class of to-be moms know they have to burn the ships, because the adventure always moves forward, this becomes their new number one thing above all else, and their life as they once knew it, will soon be changing forever. Mom's, Here's to YOU!!! Thanks for stopping by, enjoy this episode and have a wonderful day :) Book Referenced Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul: Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Mothers By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne and Marci Shimoff For more information regarding Coach Lance Pitlick Largest Online Data-Base Off-Ice Stickhandling, Passing and Shooting Drills In-person lessons with Coach Lance