Sports Stories (Part 2) EP97

I don't know if you've noticed over the last year of me pumping out The Hockey Journey Podcast episodes. For solo one's like this one, there's a constant revisit to certain topics. Like productivity, goal setting, habits, purpose, leadership, peak performance, mastery, and mental toughness. Why do I keep going back to the well, talking about the same concepts over and over and over again? Because, if you're not thinking about it every day, taking action every day to execute more consistently, you'll never be able to become really good at anything, unfortunately.

If you're pursuing something big, one of the best strategies to help you along the way is to learn from others who have already traveled that path or find similarly driven individuals to learn about. As you know by now, I like to include some book quotes to help drive the points home. If you want to solve the mystery and maybe find the code to why some people are so much better than others, it doesn't matter what the sport or life sector it is, let's hear the advice the best of the best are receiving and practicing. I've put the links to all the titles below if you're interested in picking up your own copy.

Book Number One Raise Your Game High-Performance Secrets from the Best of the Best By Alan Stein Jr. ⁠⁠

Book Number Two The New Toughness Training for Sports Mental, Emotional, and Physical Conditioning from One of the World's Premier Sports Psychologists By James E. Loehr ⁠⁠

Book Number Three Finding Your Zone Ten Core Lessons for Achieving Peak Performance in Sports and Life By Michael Lardon M.D. ⁠⁠

For more information regarding Coach Lance Pitlick Largest Online Data-Base Off-Ice Stickhandling, Passing and Shooting Drills


In-person lessons with Coach Lance
