Solving Your Productivity Puzzle EP95

Welcome back to the Hockey Journey Podcast, where today we're going to explore the intersection of sports, personal growth, and success.  In today's episode, we'll be discussing one of the most important skills for any athlete or professional: productivity.  Whether you're a hockey player looking to improve your game or a business owner striving for success, being productive is essential to achieving your goals.     So get yourself a coffee or tea, settle into your comfy couch or chair and let's learn how to be more productive each day!!  Thanks for stopping by, enjoy this episode and have a wonderfully productive today, tomorrow and everyday after that!  

For more information regarding Coach Lance Pitlick

Largest Online Data-Base Off-Ice Stickhandling, Passing and Shooting Drills


In-person lessons with Coach Lance


Books Referenced 


Organize Tomorrow Today

By Jason Selk and Tom Bartow


Making Life a Masterpiece

By Orison Swett Marden