No Mistakes - No Hardship - No Failures - No Successes - EP84

As we settle into the new year, with hopefully a slightly new and improved daily routine, I always think it's a good idea to take a few minutes and go over in our heads, our relationship with mistakes, hardship or failures? It is a relationship you know, and the better we can understand it and how those few words we try to avoid, for some at all costs, are the critical stepping stones to our future successes. Always remember, no mistakes, no hardship, no failures, no successes. You know I love to read and I'd like to share with you a few books and related quotes that may get you thinking a little differently about your relationship with mistakes, self sabotaging thoughts and negative thinking, in order to increase the likelihood of totally crushing your short and long-term goals. For the following books I'm going to reference, know that I'm only scratching the surface of all the learning nuggets and goodness from each of the titles. If one connects with you by the end of this episode, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of your own and read it in its entirety. I've put the links below. Thanks for stopping by, have a great day and I'll see you soon!!

Book Number One The Psychology of Winning Ten Qualities of a Total Winner By Denis Waitley

Book Number Two Toughness Training for Life A Revolutionary Program for Maximizing Health, Happiness, and Productivity By James E. Loehr

Book Number 3 The Ultra Mindset An Endurance Champion's 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports and Life By Travis Macy with John Hanc

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